Press Releases
Quell is an over-the-counter wearable pain relief device that utilizes
patented non-invasive neurostimulation technology to provide pain
relief. The device is designed for people with conditions such as
diabetic nerve pain, low back and leg pain, fibromyalgia, and pain
associated with osteoarthritis. The advanced wearable device is
lightweight and can be worn during the day while active, and at night
while sleeping. It has been cleared by the
Many recent substantive reports, articles, blogs, and interviews have been published on Quell. Highlights include:
"Computerworld" review of NeuroMetrix' approach to pain management and
of the new Quell app by writer
Erica Murphy . Her article is entitled "Oh joy, NeuroMetrix's forthcoming App may requireFDA approval". -
A review of Quell in "Pain News Network" by columnist
J.W. Kain who suffers chronic back and neck pain. Her assessment is entitled "Wear, Tear & Care: The Quell Pain Relief Device." - Two articles on Quell in diabetes-focused newsletters: in "Diatribe", an article entitled Quell Wearable Device - An Impressive Advance for Treating Chronic Pain, and in "Diabetes Mine", an article entitled Got Neuropathy? Quell Offers "World's First Pain Relief Wearable".
- In "Podiatry Today" Quell is included in The Top Ten Innovations In Podiatry.
A review of Quell in "About Health" by
Paige Waehner , an exercise expert with sciatica. Her review can be found at: Check out My Review of the Quell - Wearable Pain Relief - In "First Run", Quell is described as "one of the most innovative wearable technologies" and is ranked #2 in Top 5 Wearable Tech (2015). See the First Run video.
"We are pleased with the growing media attention," said
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SVP and
Chief Financial Officer
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